Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Bit

"Hands down, I'm too proud for love. But when eyes shut, it's you I'm thinking of. But how we move from A to B it can't be up to me, because we don't know."

There is always that one person that changes the game for you. You're perspective changes due to this person and your actions change as well. I don't know whether the magnetic pull is cosmic or if something is wrong with me, but I can't help it. But not everything ends in a perfect glass slipper match or a kiss from Prince Charming. Sometimes things get screwed up. Sometimes the story ends with a missing slipper and torn clothes and a broken pumpkin. I can't predict what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day, but I'm just a little bit torn. Just a little bit. I probably can't even admit that to myself. It's hard, but things play out in the end. Well, I hope it does.

Little Bit - Lykke Li

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